Category: Carlala @en
Nieuw teamlid
Good afternoon dear Carlala fashion blog readers. As the new edition to the Carlala fashion team it seemed like a good idea to introduce myself. And how better than through a blog? So here it goes. I am Josephien, 25 years old and I live in Amsterdam, I’ve been working at Carlala fashion for a…
World wide web and Mr. X
Since we launched our new website, we also gained a new computer nerd. At least that’s what he calls himself, so we can too – I think. Our computernerd (to save his reputation I will call him Mr. X, because I’m not sure if he, as a manly man, wants his name connected to a…
Girlpower in Groesbeek
Hoewel de oranjekoorts om zich heen slaat en het WK ons land volledig in zijn greep lijkt te hebben, zijn er toch ook nog evenementen die niets met voetbal te maken hebben. Zo stapten wij gisterenochtend vroeg in de auto richting Groesbeek voor het RSM Zaken Golfster. Voor degene bij wie topografie nog verder is…
Perfect time for a photoshoot
There are days that your concentration span is about as great as one of a two year old boy. When these days come, I open my email-inbox, and that’s about it. These days I would be more than satisfied if I could swap concentration spans with a goldfish (3sec). It gets so bad sometimes that…